SEN Unit Teacher - Houndsfield Primary School

SEN Unit Teacher


Houndsfield Primary School

Ripon Road


N9 7RE

Tel:      020 8805 3406



We are seeking to appoint a knowledgeable and enthusiastic SEN teacher work in our full time Units for pupils with autism. You will teach and oversee classes of up to 10 pupils who have identified Special Educational Needs and have Houndsfield named as their provision on their EHCPs.


Our first unit, Robins Class, opened in September 2023 following a successful application to the Local Authority to run the provision initially with KS1 children. We are ambitious for the future and will be looking to extend the provision as we move forward. We are looking for a motivated and highly effective practitioner who will help us develop our Units to support autistic children from across Enfield. You must be flexible, resilient, and able to work in a challenging yet immensely rewarding environment. Experience of teaching an SEN class is not necessary, as the role will come with support from the inclusion team.


We have a dedicated space for our unit provision, with a sensory room, direct access to an outdoor space and a large site for children to use. We also have a supportive Inclusion team.


Houndsfield Primary School is a large, diverse primary school in Edmonton. We want you to come and join our school where we work hard to improve the life chances of every child. If you want to make a difference to children’s lives, we want you to join our talented and committed team. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a team of dedicated, like-minded individuals. We invest in professional development for staff at all levels and are well supported by the Academy Trust.


Our core values of Respect, Equality, Achievement, Courage and Honesty are key to ensuring that we provide a harmonious, happy learning environment where pupils feel valued and listened to. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school where the pursuit of excellence underpins all our practice.


Visits to our school are encouraged and should be arranged by contacting us on the telephone number or email above.


Salary: MPS or UPS (Outer London) + SEN allowance

Hours: Full time

Contract type: Permanent

Start Date: 1st September 2024



When applying please ensure you meet the criteria set out in the job description and person specification.



Please click here to download the Job Description.


Please click here to download the Person Specification.


Please click ‘Apply now’ to submit your application.


Closing date: Friday 10th May at 9:00am (any applications received after this time will not be accepted)


Interviews will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 16th May 2024, however the trust reserves the right to interview anytime throughout the application stage and so early applications are encouraged.


All schools and services in Enfield are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Therefore, all workers and employees within Enfield are expected to share this commitment. All candidates are required to complete the school’s ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ declaration and are subject to an enhanced DBS check.  Further information about the disclosure can be found at



SEN Unit Teacher - Houndsfield Primary School
Salary: MPS 1 (Outer London) £34,514 - UPS 5 (Outer London) £51,179 + SEN Allowance